With the adjustments made to the Emotional Assessment System (EAS) to take into account changes of the DSM-5, the format for the answers changed from True-False to a four option Likert system (True, Mostly True, Mostly False, and False). For the last two years, stating with Stacy Feeley’s dissertation, we have been looking at that change. We administered the same questionnaire using the two formats in a counterbalanced manner. The results were surprising. The correlation between the raw scores of the scales of the questionnaire was .96. In other words, the two formats yield the same results. Having learned that information, we reverted to the previous T-F format for two reasons: (1) we also learned from the study that the T-F format is quicker, it takes less time to complete the inventory, and (2) going back to the T-F format allowed the use of a great deal of data collected with that format. The norms for the new program, downloadable from this web, has data from 1,820 community participants, 619 psychiatric participants, and 546 participants who took the Spanish version, the Sistema Autodiagnóstico de Balance Emocional (SABE). Other contributors to this project included Erin Orentas, Sahana Moodabagil, Jeremy Kelleher, Elisa Moreira, Maria Márquez, Maya Alexander, Kassandra Murad, Andrea Tan, Dylan Penna-Powell, and Jesús Ruan