With my colleague Edward Rossini I have a book designed to teach the Rorschach with suggestions on shortening the test and making it more practical. This text is sold by APA Books and can be found through the following link:
Assessment Using the Rorschach Inkblot Test (APA)
It is also available for purchase via Amazon:
Assessment Using the Rorschach Inkblot Test (Amazon)
I also have an 2013 book that offers a more thorough focus on interpretations of the test:
The Rorschach Inkblot Test: An Interpretive Guide (APA)
This is also available for purchase via Amazon:
The Rorschach Inkblot Test: An Interpretive Guide (Amazon)
I have a video, also through APA Books, that shows how the test may be used:
Rorschach Video Tutorial (APA)
Hermann10 Scoring Assistant
Hermann10 is/was a cross-platform (Mac/Win) application enabling clinicians to record a client’s Rorschach responses either in real time or from written notes. The program generated from those responses any of three reports in MS Word (.docx) format —including a detailed Structural Summary that compares the results to three available sets of norms. The main program screen for recording and scoring responses is displayed below:
We have prepared an 11-minute video tutorial in .mp4 format that demonstrates each step of the procedure of recording, scoring, and generating reports from a client’s responses. (Although recorded using an earlier version of Hermann10, the procedure is identical.)
If you wish, click here to download the video in .mp4 format (29 MB), then save the file to your computer using whatever method is specific to your browser.
Here (in PDF format) are the three Hermann10 reports created in that tutorial:
An update to the Hermann10 application that runs on newer versions of Windows 10/11 may be available soon. Check here for the latest information.
The macOS version of Hermann10 is no longer available . Check here for the latest information.